Saturday, September 15, 2007

God sightings

I met with Susan and Bich on Thursday, our regular monthly meeting about prayer ministry at Grace Community. It's been building slowly, but momentum for prayer ministry is starting to become more noticeable. It did my heart good to see people coming up for prayer a couple of Sundays ago when we had a special emphasis on prayer ministry. All of the prayer helpers made themselves available (instead of the usual 2) and were kept busy for half an hour after worship. I know there was a lot of healing and sustaining grace activated in a lot of people's lives that day.

What's the next step? To hear the stories of how God's healing and grace are at work. If you have a "God-sighting" story, let Bich or Susan know through the feedback card or by emailing

But back to our meeting. We set in motion a plan to provide prayer covering for every ministry at Grace. The details will be coming together over the next month. In the meantime, don't wait for a newsletter or prayer sheet. Find out a little about what's going on in a ministry that you care about, whether it's singles, kids, local involvements or global involvements. Then pray for that ministry. And don't forget to report your own "God-sighting" when you see God at work.

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