Friday, November 30, 2007

a sign of the times?

Yesterday, as I often do, I was praying at my computer using the website Sacred Space ( The prayer of presence was, "I will leave aside my chores and preoccupations; I will take rest and refreshment in your presence, Lord." Some glitch in their server wouldn't let me leave that prayer. I clicked "move on" and the site directed me back to that prayer. I tried several times, then thought "Maybe God is trying to tell me something."

Do I know how to find rest and refreshment in God's presence? The season of Advent is supposed to be a time of preparation, but it's the Christmas shopping season, too, along with Christmas decorating and Christmas entertaining. If there's any time I need rest and refreshment, it's during Advent, but it's hard to come by.

I don't have a quick and easy answer for this dilemma. Which is the point, I guess. Finding rest and refreshment in God's presence is something that one learns to do over a long period of time. It's part of the reason for "devotions". The more devoted we become to God, the more readily we are able to access the life-giving love, joy and peace of his Spirit. So Advent is as good a time as any to start.

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