Friday, February 29, 2008

pause button

Kids get into these mental routines. Whenever my 5 year old is watching something on TV and we turn off the TV for something we deem necessary (like eating dinner) he asks, "Did you pause it?" whether or not we're watching a DVD or other type of recording.

"Did you pause it?" It's a good question to ask about my life. Have I paused it, stopped my busy-ness and given myself time to rest and reflect, to disengage from the crazy pace of Silicon Valley life that threatens to eat me up whole, to guard my soul from all the things that want to invade and take control of my life? Have I paused to give the Holy Spirit space in my schedule to work in me?

My Treo gives lots of things priority time in my schedule. For an hour I set aside time for this person or that activity. Maybe it's time to schedule in prayer or Bible reading or 10 minutes for silence, to give God some priority time. Maybe it's time to ask about my own life: have I paused it?

"In quietness and trust is your strength." Isaiah 30:15

Monday, February 25, 2008

connecting the body

Has your leg ever fallen asleep? Worse, has your leg ever fallen asleep and you didn't realize it, so that when you tried to stand up you almost fell over? The rest of your body had to compensate and your walking was impaired for a while until you were able to feel your leg again and could move normally. And you couldn't quite cover up by saying, "I meant to do that."

It seems to me that the various parts of Grace Community aren't always communicating well with each other. The individual part may be healthy, but the fact that there's a lack of communication affects the whole body's ability to function. Or the individual part may be hurting, but other parts don't know it. Either way, the body can't function as it should and in general, things just don't feel right.

Our prayer ministry is making an effort to get the various parts of Grace Community communicating with each other (and God) through the Prayer Circle. It's a way to let other ministry teams know how you're doing and in return to take an interest in another ministry team's concerns and bring them to God. It's a step toward being connected and being the Body of Christ as we should be.

A severed limb is both grotesque and useless (except to the director of a slasher movie). But a body with all the parts working in concert feels right and can accomplish a lot.