Wednesday, November 7, 2007

learning to pray

I was happy to learn that as soon as the prayer retreat on 11/17 was announced 10 people signed up. And there have been more since. Besides being in a beautiful setting on Capitola beach, there will be gentle instruction in the ways of contemplative prayer that I know will give all the participants a wonderful time together.

I've also been happy that there's been a steady stream of people at the end of worship services seeking out the prayer helpers. The prayer ministry classes were well-attended, showing that we're entering into intercessory prayer in ways that we haven't in the past.

I'm encouraged that we're learning to engage both wings of prayer, listening and asking. May we become a church community that's characterized by prayer. And for those of us who worry that you don't know how to pray, "Pray as you can, not as you think you should." God understands and won't think less of us for not knowing how. He gives wisdom for how to pray if we just ask (James 1:5). So just pray.

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