Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Tomorrow is the start of Lent. So what?

Even though I've been a Christian since I was 6, I wasn't introduced to the idea of Lent or Advent or a Christian calendar until I became friends in seminary with a fellow student who was Episcopalian (what he was doing in a Fundamentalist seminary is beyond me!). I was raised to be a little (okay, a lot) suspicious of the "smells and bells" approach to worship.

But as I've reflected on my own upbringing I've come to realize that there are at least two good reasons to participate in the Christian calendar shared by the Church throughout time and around the world.

First, I am a creature of time and space. I'm affected by what I do repeatedly. The fact that I celebrate birthdays is an indication that rhythms and repeated observances are important to me and to people around me. Lent reminds me that Christ's life, death and resurrection are the most significant events of history. Christmas celebrates Christ's birth, but Lent and Easter celebrate why Christ was born and my participation in that observance renews that importance in my soul.

Second, Lent is something that the Church does together. Rather than ignoring the activity and focus of the rest of the Church as if I'm somehow beyond all that, I want to participate in that which is shaping the life and identity of Christ's Church. It's sort of like calling yourself a Giants fan and then not watching the Super Bowl or not showing outwardly that you're happy they won. I should at least be curious about what all the hoopla is about.

I'm still not very good at observing Lent. Some approach Lent with a "step on a crack, break your mother's back" legalism. I take comfort in the fact that the various practices of Lent (prayer, fasting, candles) are not meant to gauge my level of spirituality, but to help me become more present to God so he can let me know how spiritual I am or am not and what he wants me to do about it. I should be listening to God all year, but the season of Lent gives me an extra boost, some additional reminders and resources.

I'll never "arrive" spiritually this side of death. My Christian formation happens over time. Time is measured in seasons. Lent is one of those seasons.

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