Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Last Thursday (Jan 6) was the celebration of the Epiphany, the revelation of the Son of God to the magi (“wise men”, see Matthew 2:1-12). Some people (who like big words) use the term “epiphany” in the sense of sudden flash of insight. Regardless of our vocabulary, we all want insight, whether it’s about the solution to a pressing problem or about our purpose for living. Some epiphanies result in fortunes being made (Steve Jobs seems to have regular epiphanies about what consumers want from their tech gadgets). Other epiphanies have more personal applications. Either way, epiphanies are desirable.

I was reading Matthew 2:1-12 and was struck by the admonition of King Herod to the magi to “go and search diligently” for the child Christ. As if they needed any encouragement! They’d just come 900 miles on camels and then walked into the court of a ruthless tyrant. I think they were pretty serious about finding Jesus.

So the question is: Am I searching diligently? If I want more epiphanies in my life, I need to seek more diligently after Jesus.

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