Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Context is everything. When Jesus’ first disciples heard him say, “Go into all the world” it had a very different effect on them then it has on me. My first response is to think, “When will it be convenient? Which airline do I take?” But when Jesus first uttered those words his hearers must have thought, “That’s impossible.” And that’s probably what motivated them to actually do it. My problem is that I take it for granted that it’s within my means and that it’s up to me to carry the good news. But how does it affect me if I assume that only God can do it and I am the one who’s along for the ride? I’m not saying that I’m to be passive. But am I presenting myself for God’s use in his plans (like the boy with five loaves and two fishes) or am I just including God in my plans when it’s convenient for me?

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